Theme for this blog post is "First Sleep" by Cliff Martinez.
Even as I
battle my desires to keep myself awake later and later, I am currently typing
this as a sort of…. outlet to vent my complex thoughts. I say complex because simple thoughts would
be like, "FOOD! SLEEP! SEX!" all thanks to the lizardy little
brains known as the amygdala, which I consider to be the primitive core of our
oniony layered thoughts, but beyond that, I have to get this out of my head, so
feel free to ignore this post. I'm sure
people are like, "What the fuck?!
Did she give up already?!" when they see that I haven't posted in 2
weeks since the whole freezing-my-ass-off Polar Vortex post. The answer to that second question is
"No, I have not," because I really haven't given up, with a lack of
an answer to the first question (I don't know how to answer it, to be honest.). Sometimes it's hard to just come up with a
simple blog topic to write about (hence the need to publish a Life List that,
by the way, as a note to my parents, is NOT a Christmas wish list! I appreciate the Erica loom; but to be
honest, a Jack loom and its accompanying warping pegs and appropiate weaving
threads would actually do the job better, if I had the space. Though I wouldn't mind escaping to that
weaving-spinning retreat we checked out, that I called "Mom's incarnation
of 'Meltdown Comics'." Remember
that one, Mom? With the bumper stickers? And the giant classrooms of looms and spindle
thingies, tucked away in the middle of 'Merican Fahmland in PA somewhere? That Dad doesn't really care for very
much? Oh, never mind. I'm rambling again…..).
Right now,
I will say that my parents were on an extended quest where I couldn't
exactly contact them for more money.
They had to maintain "radio silence" of a sort, unless they
wanted to spend $8 USD per minute, which meant "DO NOT CALL UNLESS IT'S AN
EMERGENCY!". (Yes, I said American
dollars via acronym. Hello to you too,
Finnish and British and other peoples in the world! I hope the Google translator add-on is
working well for you….) So far,
maintaining my apartment without them isn't doing very well. Though I do hope to make it so they can feel
happy upon their return by having a clean apartment, clean clothes, clean
everything. I also will say that I've
failed to resume taking my medications after returning home from
Christmas. Though I think I've figured
out a way to resume my methods of RPGing my life.
In case you
haven't noticed or read before on this blog of mine, I am trying out Nerdism,
where I practice using my Nerdy skills with help from Chris Hardwick's book,
which is fittingly titled The Nerdist
Way. In it, I've learned one way
to structure my life: by turning it into an RPG (roleplaying game, not
rocket-propelled grenade, for those not familiar with the Nerdy lingo). Pencil-and-paper roleplaying games have been
around for decades, and it seems as though that the desire for obtaining
experience points (XP) would be motivation enough for us Nerds. It has worked for me! I was motivated! And then Christmas and New Year's came around
and everything fell apart for a bit. But
I'm ready to get back into the saddle of the tauntaun I've fallen off of. And once I've managed to complete all of the
exercises listed in the book, I'll review it.
Soon, Big C, I shall pass judgement!….
anyways, I do have hopes that this new year will be better than the past
one. Despite 2013 being the Year of the
Doctor with the epic 50th anniversary (and the year Chris Hardwick turned 42--I
hope you remember, Big C, that 42 is the Answer! It's your year of enlightenment, Nerd-bro!), I
am glad to have a new year to start off with.
If only all the advertisers would STOP using "New year, new
you," all the time! It's overused,
overplayed, and overall, too annoying to ever utter again!
So, yes, I
have quests I've appointed to myself for this year: time management, regularly
MED-I-CA-TING with my prescription drugs, organization, cleanliness, Life List
activities, blogging, health/fitness improvements, socializing, etc, which have
been the same as I've started with my life-RPG Character Tome. Though specific ones might include tasks the
I've put as objectives on my as-of-yet still-a-draft Life List, with additions
and amendments that include dressing up in costume to attend the Cons, meeting
CMNeir at PAX Prime, as well as @cwgabriel and @h_e_e_l_s, and meeting Zak
Bagans and Nick Groff at Scarefest (and getting them to autograph my copies of
their books), chilling with Big C and Wil Wheaton at The Underground Lair (also
having Chris autograph my copy of his book), making an appearance on
the Traveling the Vortex podcast (with permission from Glenn and company), and
even getting Internet access back at my apartment so as to not just regain a
sense of sanity and purpose for myself, but also to stop driving people on
Second Life so crazy with my absence! (People on SL really do miss me, Mom and
Dad! Plus, I've yet to get all the
updates for plugins, programs and the operating system itself, for which I need
Internet access--and hours of it, too, because it would take FOREVER to get it
all done! Don't worry, I won't go
overboard this time, as I've also got some real life quests I need to complete! So, I will not allow myself to be so shut-in
all the time.)
But anyways, I've been thinking
about things, being philosophical and deep about my thoughts so
late-in-the-night/early-in-the-morning and I'm trying to quash it all with
music, while regretting what I did to my saucepan and what I am doing fairly poorly in terms of
bill-paying. L I have to motivate myself into taking care of
it and no matter what, I realize that I have to take that goddamn first
step. And the second step after it. And I have to make sure that I have to do it
off of a cliff so I can keep going--because if I do it on a flat bit of ground,
I'll wind up being worn down by the initial inertia and loss of kinetic energy
due to gravity. If I step off of a
figurative cliff that has a trampoline at the base in the splatty-landing zone,
sort of, I'll keep going, because, again, inertia will be in effect thanks to
gravity using all of its attractive force on me. This is what helped me realize that what I
face in terms of lack of motivation isn't really a wall, but rather a scary
looking cliff that has my self-preserving amygdalae gripping the emergency
brakes with iron(ic) fists of steely fear.
And so, I just have to make like Morpheus and just fucking JUMP ALREADY
YOU WIMP!--at least I can hope for wings
or a bouncy asphalt landing that will help me not die a figurative death (death
being failing completely).
respect Steve Jobs and all because he's one major motherfucker in the world of Nerds, like he's of god-status (mostly due to how he kept following his Nerdy dreams) but also, he helped Pixar (now Disney-Pixar) to get the ball to keep rolling and he was also a philanthropist! It's a shame that he passed away, but now he's everywhere, analyzing how his products are doing in terms of porn-viewing and being cum-stain resistant, and he will make notes that he passes on to the current head developers at Apple. I would've enjoyed his products more if he was from Hawai'i and named the company PineApple Inc., but I digress.
Anyways, I
am still working on listening to the Nerdist podcast series from the very first
episode from 2010. I've managed to
download up to 103 episodes from the Nerdist website, direct two mega-fans of
certain celebrity figures to the episodes these figures were on (@CMNeir loves Harrison Ford and @ItsBondageLoki adores Tom Hiddleston, so I'm sure I got
favor points from them on a small level.), and I'm trying to get the next batch
(which will be today while publishing this blog post and battling the evil lag
monster) with the benefits of picking and choosing starting with number
143. It's because of this podcast that I
learned about The Nerdist Way
and I'm happy to have found out about this text. I'm also happy to have my Doctor Who cookbook
complete with a chapter on Fish fingers and custard recipes! #random
So, with
self-improvement being one of my main themes this year, I shall bid you
"adieu" and "good night" as I try to not fuck up my
circadian rhythms any more than they already have.
In the
P.S. Later on, after drafting up this blog post, I tried
going to bed, missed out on my therapy appointment, and had an unusual
experience: I've been trying to fall asleep
in bed, and it didn't help that I allowed myself to be distracted
(again) by Twitter, searching for song titles to go with this blog post with
the theme of "I messed up, I'm up late, I need to sleep BUT no matter
what, I'm GOING to make it all better!"
So, I'm in bed, and the door is slightly open so I that can sort of hear
stuff happening in the living room with my non-batty ears (Yes, slightly deaf,
as I cannot wear my hearing aids in bed) such as people from building
management (specifically Brad) and maintenance (Jim from Flushing who fixed my
toilet!) and for the building's fire alarm.
But I don't know what happened next, as I've been trying to fall asleep
and it could be my mind playing tricks on me--or it could've been the
apparition of a ghost. I'm half-asleep
and I see through the crack this older man peering at me in my bed (not
pervy-like) from my living room (or the other side) through the cracked open
doorway. I was startled to fully awake
panic mode, and there was nobody there!
NOBODY! I checked to see if
anyone was out in the hallway but nobody was there. I was like, "W-WHAT THE F-FUCKY
SHITTENSTEIN…..WHA-WHAT?!" and relayed this to my therapist; he has no idea
what happened in that moment. I have 3
possible theories as to what actually happened: 1.) I was half asleep and my
fear of being caught off-guard for inspection allowed me to HAL-LU-CI-NATE the
image of this older man looking at me. 2.) Someone was actually there, but I
was already asleep and too late to catch them out in the hallway. (Which is not likely.) 3.) My being half-asleep allowed me to view
the full-bodied apparition of the ghost of this older man who could've been a
neighbor or former tenant who died in my apartment or on the floor that I'm on
or another floor in the same building.
(It's possible--I did have a neighbor who died of old age fairly
recently, as it's a senior apartment building.
Whether that's grounds for there to be paranormal activity, I'm not
Whatever was going on, I don't
know. But it was unusual. I don't normally HAL-LU-CI-NATE and if I did,
they're likely to read this, Mom, Dad, I'm fine. I was just startled by something that wasn't
there (or something that could've been there).
Please don't freak out, because freaking out over this is NOT HELPFUL! Anyways, I must flee because I'm sure that by
the time I publish this post, the system at the library is counting down.So, later, Dalek-dudes!
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