Yeah! A new blog post! Wanna think about it? Try my Psybient Chillscape playlist that is a couple of days and a few minutes long in total playtime! Chillax a ton! Expand your consciousness! Huh?
Oh, no, wait, it's a blog post, not an acid trip.
recently, I've had another bit of existential angst on the scale of the human
species. It's not that it's a bad thing,
it's something that probably everyone should think deeply about, while they do
repetitive boring tasks or are spending time by themselves doing nothing that
will risk their lives (like operating machinery or driving or patrolling for
trouble if you're one of the cops out there).
Say, perhaps 5 minutes at a time on your smoke breaks. That should work….
Cue the Imperial March—HEAVY METAL STYLE!……
frightened me so much that I just HAD to reach out to my friends and my tweeps.
And it also helped to remind me that
they are simply awesome weirdos just like me who totally get me! So, major POINTS(!) to them!
The Questions of a Young Padawan to Jedi Master Leonidas
let's start with a response from my friend Jesse, who I absolutely SWEAR is the
Jedi Master version of Leonidas! He was
wise, he totally understood where I was coming from, and he's a Spartan! Really!
(Ever heard of the Spartan Race?
I think that once I become a ninja Jedi, I should run in it! *adds to list of currently unlikely dreams*) His responses were really insightful and
what's also interesting is that he thought that my question was so good that he
shared the conversation on Facebook:
A friend of mine, Eden Pyrithea, asked me a question that had come to her mind, and its a good one, and we had a conversation about it and i thought i should post it here because i do believe every word i said to her"Should we humans, as a whole, exist the way we are?"i thought about my answer for a while before responding, "No, we should exist and work daily to improve ourselves and the universe around us. Simple acts can lead to mighty changes. Go speak at a town meeting on views that you believe in, volunteer at a soup kitchen to help those less fortunate then you and make the world, and the universe a better place""Huh. What about the general current human state There are evil people who live inside of the lies they spread." was her next question"They only exist in power because we allow them to. So by beginning a small movement that can then become a large movement you can resist them, a perfect example would be Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his dream.""But they carry influence like we carry mass.""Only because we allow them to. I think a time will come, and sooner than some think, that we as a people will rise above things like hate and greed to become the utopia Gene Roddenberry believed we could"and yes i do believe we could be as great as The Great Bird of the Galaxy thought we could be, but its up to us to start finding small ways to help each other. Like my thoughts or not, but i will stand by them to the end.
right, though it does seem a little frustrating. There are so many good people in the world,
but there are all these larger-than-myself issues such as war and ISIS and the
anti-vaccine bullcrap (as well as the anti-autism fears people have related to
it) and us having a really corrupt Congress (and possibly POTUS if the antichrist
twins Koch brothers succeed in buying the election) that, despite each drop
into the bucket of liquid influence causing a small ripple, I just want to kick
the whole bucket over, spilling its contents, shaking up everything to the
point where people can finally figure out what really works and helps everyone
vs. what doesn't. But maybe once I start
attending town hall meetings and speaking out on issues that I'm passionate
about, my drops of influence could become rocks that get bigger and bigger. I should become more patient. And I probably shouldn't be so impatient; as Mahatma Ghandi once said:
"Be the change you want to see in the world."
maybe the world could change quicker and for the better if we work together….
Into the Twitterverse: When You've Found "YOUR TWEEPLE"!
@LadyEden1337 What are you thinking about that’s scary? Murdering somebody? Committing the unpardonable sin? Doing something perverted?
— Lisa Moore (@LisaR_M) February 10, 2015
@LadyEden1337 Ah, big picture existential angst. That’s a “Let go and let God” situation. Or insert whatever your higher power is.
— Lisa Moore (@LisaR_M) February 10, 2015
@LadyEden1337 All of life is a paradox. It’s always a take the good with the bad situation. There can never be perfect people.
— Lisa Moore (@LisaR_M) February 10, 2015
@LadyEden1337 And you have to watch your ego. It’s tempting to think you know what’s best for everyone but you’re not omniscient
— Lisa Moore (@LisaR_M) February 10, 2015
@LadyEden1337 The issue you're having with the bullshitters is a clashing of egos. Instead of judging them try to learn from them.
— Lisa Moore (@LisaR_M) February 10, 2015
@LadyEden1337 :) I’ve thought a lot about this stuff. It’s exhausting sometimes that's why I avoid politics & try to let it go.
— Lisa Moore (@LisaR_M) February 10, 2015
I was
able to take to heart the "ego check" one, because sometimes, when
you're on the Autism Spectrum, you don't always think of the world through a perspective
outside of your own. This (in my case,
especially) often leads to moments where you feel as though you have all
the answers! ALL OF THEM! Including the Answer to Life , the Universe
and Everything! (That one is easy to
obtain; just read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and ask, "What is 6
times 7?")
parenthetical paragraph note: Another great way to help people get a better
understanding of Autistic Spectrum Disorders is to talk to us!!!! So often are we excluded from the
conversation that I'm sure there is misinformation out there, provided by
people who are thought to be the voices of the "autistic people,"
when they're not really speaking for us, but rather for themselves. Yes, this includes Autism Speaks; they don't
really pay attention to what we're figuratively saying. Just talk to us or ask us about ASDs and
living independently! We can answer
questions! Either tweet to me or to @chromesthesia;
we can give you insight!)
So, as I
was saying, I was given pearls of wisdom that I'll be fashioning into Earrings
of +20 Wisdom, thanks to my friends. And
it has led me to perhaps what the goal would be for the world.
My Hopes for the World in Commercials
discussion about humanity has led me to having hope for the future of the human
race; it's not a very big anti-vampire spotlight of hope, because it's a lot of
work to set forth a giant tidal wave of change.
But now that I typed that sentence, I am realizing that I shouldn't work
on creating a tidal wave, but rather just create my own small waves that will
erode at this rock of evil that I see before me. And I can do it similarly to this commercialfrom Liberty Mutual:
One way to start, just hold the door open for the person
entering or exiting the building you're entering or exiting from, or keeping to
the sides of the grocery aisles, shopping cart and all.
once that gets going, we can live life like these adorable animals in this Android commercial that has been making the rounds of the advertsphere:
In any case, I should enjoy what I can, taking the good
stuff to heart and cherishing it emotionally while leading the bad stuff to my
mental laboratory to analyze it, determine if it's an endeavour to take on with
the experience I have or to pass on it, buying more time to learn about the
issue that is staring at everyone in the face.
(And can
I point out that we have a time limit here?
I mean, come on! Asteroid Apophisis coming! TICK-TOCK TICK-TOCK!!!)